Our Impact

We change the lives of Queensland women and their children every day.

Our Impact

We change the lives of Queensland women and their children every day.

Since 1885, The Lady Musgrave Trust has provided practical solutions that save lives and transition women-at-risk to a life of prosperity.

Our approach achieves significant outcomes for young women and their children who are escaping domestic and family violence by providing them with somewhere safe to live and support for them to get ahead.

We focus on the outcomes of stable and safe housing, as well as increased engagement with employment, education opportunities and support services. These outcomes are known to increase wellbeing and self-efficacy, which in turn empowers people to be active members of their community.

Our results-focused program is supported by research, evidence and data.

Our goal is for every tenant to successfully transition to a private sector rental.

We are grateful to the generous community of organisations who work in this space. Their commitment to ensuring Queensland is safe for all women is humbling. We acknowledge their work to increase awareness and advocate for change, and we are proud to walk beside them.

Our value to women experiencing homelessness

8000+ Available Bed Nights

for young women and their children

11 Accommodation Units

available to support young women in need

22,000+ copies of The Handy Guide

distributed to individuals across Queensland

400+ organisations using The Handy Guide

across Queensland, including hospitals, prisons, homelessness sector, government, and not-for-profits

Connecting women to 2,500+ services

including accommodation, healthcare, support agencies, public spaces, and more

$30,000+ rent payments subsidised

for women and children, including forgone rents and donated expenses costs

For detailed information about how The Lady Musgrave Trust supports women in need, see our latest Annual Report:

The Need

The Queensland community needs to join together to develop solutions to address homelessness associated with domestic and family violence.

The Benefits of Action

Improved housing opportunities for women experiencing domestic and family violence will have innumerable community and economic benefits, including:

  • For every $1 the community spends on social and affordable housing and support, it will return benefits of $2 to the community
  • Improved community diversity, inclusion and equity
  • Enhanced human capital and education outcomes
  • Increased productivity 
  • Increased community diversity, inclusion and equity
  • The overall benefits of providing adequate housing are estimated at $110 billion in present value terms

Importantly, you will also potentially help a woman in your circle who you don’t even know is experiencing domestic and family violence, and needs help to navigate her options.

The Cost of Inaction

Our community needs to raise our commitment to ensuring that affordable housing is available to all as a basic human right.

Failure to act to solve homelessness will cost the Australian community $25 Billion per year by 2051.

Increased unstable housing costs impacts on companies/businesses’ ability to find, train and retain staff.

The costs to society of housing instability include:

  • Entrenched inter-generational disadvantage
  • Domestic and family violence, costs and suffering associated with crime
  • Wasted opportunity costs associated with underutilised human capital
  • Lack of education benefits
  • Under-realised labour market productivity

You can help us provide safe secure housing for Queensland women.